Saturday 8 October 2016

The 5 Target Issues for Sustainable Construction

Although there is almost universal agreement that sustainability is of critical importance for the future of the construction industry and global society, it is sometimes unclear how the broad goal of sustainability should be implemented.In order to make sustainable construction more understandable and applicable to the construction industry, the LafargeHolcim Foundation provides 5 “target issues” for sustainable construction as outlined by Adelhardt Construction below.

Ethicalstandards – Sustainable construction projects should adhere to the highest ethical standards and incorporate social inclusion at every step, from the planning of the building to ensuring that it will have a net positive impact on the community it is built in. Construction proposals should detail how the building will affect the community, and participation should include local authorities and relevant non-governmental entities.

– Sustainable projects should demonstrate their innovation and explore new potential areas of improved designs. This includes incorporating greener building materials, better mechanical systems and enclosures, less impactful structures and more. An attempt should be made to push the envelope for more efficient methods by every firm, and any recent advancements in architecture and civil engineering should be incorporated as relevant.

Economic viability – Sustainable construction projects should be economically feasible and have the goal of a net positive impact on the local economy. Profits and funding sources for the project should be transparent. The project should have the flexibility to adapt to any new environmental regulations and economic changes, as well as ownership changes. 

Aesthetic and contextual impact– Projects should have a positive impact on the cultural environment of the area where the building is located with the highest standard of architectural quality. Designs should meet requirements for durability and safety while offering appealing or unique designs, and the design of the building should aim to improve the existing conditions of the area in some way, incorporating both the manmade and natural environment.

Environmental and resource performance – Natural resources use must be sensible properly managed throughout their entire life cycle. The environmental and ecological footprint of projects should be minimized, with the maximum net positive impact on the local and global environment. 

This includes land use policies that maintain the natural landscape as much as possible, a focus on utilizing renewable energy when it is available, lowering CO2 emissions to the greatest extent, avoiding the use of toxic building materials, waste reduction, reuse and recycling, and more.

The 5 Target Issues help construction firms identify areas to improve upon

The LafargeHolcim Foundation aims to support sustainable construction throughout the world, and their “5 Target Issues” help construction firms identify target areas to improve upon. By outlining some of the specific goals of sustainability, construction companies can improve their understanding of sustainable construction and clarify some of the most important principles that are currently being used to guide the cutting edge of construction.

Adelhardt Construction remains committed to sustainable construction methods and has provided this information as a reference for organizations and individuals within the industry. Learn more about the 5 Target Issues and a wide range of other sustainable construction topics at


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